08 February, 2008

if they all jumped off a bridge...

Well here it is. I used to write bloggy type stuff on my myspace page, back when people still used myspace. And everyone has a blog. My boss has been talking about his a lot lately and I got sort of jealous so here we are--My first blogger post.

That's a lie actually. I had a blogger account back when I was like, eighteen. I think I posted twice about how much I loved Bjork and that was the end of it.

So mostly this will serve to update you about stuff that I love, and in equal measure, stuff that drives me fuckin nuts. Please bear with me while I figure out how this site works. A lot of the blogs I see have their own domain names, and apparently don't go through some third party. I have no idea how to do that, and I doubt I've got the commitment it would take to make figuring it out worth it.

Also I think I might post songs I like on here, but don't know about the legality of it, or if blogger even lets you do it. Tonnes of people do, I'm on music blogs all the time, but it seems like there might be a fine line between benevolently sharing your love for, and promoting an artist, and the FBI busting through your bedroom window as you sit, wearing your jim-jams, blogging in the dark (as I am now).

Which brings me to another topic likely to be covered. I live in the US now and have to worry about the FBI possibly busting me down, and the INS deporting me to Gitmo, and the NSA listening to my phone converstions, and the DHS denying me re-entry when I come back from Canada (or elsewhere). Obviously a lot of these fears are exaggerated, but I have some things to say about being a stranger in a strange land.

That's all I'll say for now. I'm gonna post this, then spend some time poking around the site trying to figure it out.

Aye-aye and Goodbye!

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