20 February, 2008

day of mourning

Not a lot to say today, but I've been thinking lately about animalshaveproblemstoo.com. I was briefly obsessed by it, and it was part of my morning work routine back at STA. I'd check it everyday and giggle, and maybe email it to some friends, and further convince myself that I was in love with it's creator. But I left that job and not being in front of a computer all day lead me to forget about my deep and true love for him and his doodles. I still have the Yeti cartoon as my desktop wallpaper.

So I've been thinking about it again lately, and I went back to see what I'd missed this last year. I'm saddened to inform you all that animalshaveproblemstoo is on indefinite hiatus. He called it that. It doesn't look indefinite. From the note it seems pretty clear that we can't expect any more of the hi-jinx of those irascible hamsters and anti-semetic kittens.

I can't say I blame him. It must've been tough toward the end. The good news is that he's writing a novel! And will presumably put his time toward more productive ends.

Good-bye animalshaveproblemstoo. You were too beautiful for this world.

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